Stone search is an aggregator platform connecting the buyers and sellers of the diamond industry through a convenient method for ease of buying and selling.
The opening of an account with Stone search is very simple and easy. You can send a message through WhatsApp on the number. You shall get a registration link where you can fill up your KYC details. Alternatively, Click on ‘Get Started’ icon on the website which leads you to the KYC page. Once you fill up the KYC details, we shall verify and get back to you within 3 working days.
Once you login to client’s profile, there is an option to view profile and edit information. The details will be verified and displayed on the portal.
Yes, Stone search has a 14 day trial period where:
Go to client portal, change password as per your requirement.
Go to client portal; enter the number you wish to block in the block a number option and the number is blocked forever.
Please get in touch with customer support via call or Email us on:
We shall solve your issue in the least possible time.
The portal is device specific and only one number will be allowed to login which is registered.
Please get in touch with customer support via call or Email us on: We shall solve your issue in least possible time.
We have a very systematic keyword finding methodology to get the details of the diamond of your choice. Type “HELP”on WhatsApp and get a option of user manual in PDF format .Download the PDF and you will get all keywords to get specification.
Visit the link below on the website and type the keyword required.
When you get a message of no stone found, it means that no stone of that particular quality is available.
You may try after some days.
You can search maximum of 250 stones at one time. You will get a complete list with all details.
If you are not entering CVD or natural in keyword, by default Natural diamond will appear. If you are putting keyword as CVD, Lab grown diamond will appear.
If you are not putting a proper keyword as mentioned in the below link, you may find a comment “Keyword not Found."
Please check the manual to check keywords.
The QR code displays all the stock on scanning it. You can use it in the office to display all the products to the visitors.
The QR code is useful to display products/complete stock as a catalogue anywhere in the world. You can enhance your business manifolds.
In the demand list, you will get an option of sending inquiry and get in touch with the seller through WhatsApp.
On the Client portal, there is an option of stock upload. You can upload natural inventory and lab grown inventory with all the details.
Stone search charges no commission on the trading.
Still have a question? Don't worry, our customer care team is ready to help you with any questions or problems